CMO’s: 3 Ways to Re-Architect your Organization’s Marketing

August 29, 2017

As a CMO, you are probably wondering if you are taking full advantage of new marketing technologies and contemporary ways of working that would modernize your organization’s marketing function.  As the Chief Strategy Officer of LiquidHub, I’m interested in helping marketing executives transform the marketing function to win in the digital age.  Recently, I found two articles highlighting the importance of architecting the future of a marketing organization with strategic intent.  

The first editorial titled, “Building a marketing organization that drives growth today” was published in August 2017 by McKinsey.  The authors advise that marketing organizations need to change in three ways. First, they need to shift their organizational model away from “boxes and lines” to a fluid ecosystem of internal and external partners. Second, they must scale agile ways of working. And third, they need to build out a set of supporting capabilities that can deliver great customer experiences.

In a recent blog post, Scott Brinker, the editor of, frames a key question, “ do marketing orgs look like in the MarTech age? Let’s find out.” The article offers three thought provoking questions.  First, it asks if marketing technology is reshaping the organization of the marketing department.  Second, it asks if marketing is best served by organizing around activities, channels, products, customer segments, or stages of the buyer’s journey.  And, third is queries, what capabilities does it centralize.  And, it concludes with an offer to participate in a survey to answer these questions and promises “some nice visualizations to reveal the different org patterns that we discover.

Drawing on these two articles and my experience advising CMOs on designing new marketing capabilities, CMOs should:

  1. Re-imagine the Customer Experience – the customer’s perspective should drive the design of an organization’s marketing function
  2. Re-skill your Marketers – similar to the full-stack trend in modern computer programming, the contemporary marketer needs both creative & analytical skills
  3. Re-design your MarTech Stack – strategically select & integrate your portfolio of digital marketing assets for flexibility

Starting today, you to need to start re-architecting your marketing organization to compete and win in the digital age.